Saturday, March 15th, 2025

Welcome to the Treasure of Civil Engineering Resources
Study material, Solved Examples, Calculation tools, quiz, software, research papers, conferences and a lot of resources for Civil Engineering Students, Teachers and Professionals

Civil Engineering plays an important role in solving the problems of modern civilized society. Civil Engineers are involved in planning, design, construction, maintenance and management of physical infrastructure.

Civil Engineers are closely related to Architects. It would not be wrong, if we say that Civil Engineers turn the dream of an Architect into reality.

Civil engineers work on complex projects and usually specialize in one of several areas; Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

Some of the jobs where civil engineers are involved are given below;
Preparing survey reports, maps, and other data to plan and design projects.
Supervise and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations of structures.
Preparing cost estimates for materials, equipment, or labor to determine a project’s economic feasibility.
Managing the repair, maintenance, and replacement of public and private infrastructure.
Using design software to plan and design structures, transportation systems, hydraulic systems in line with industry and government standards.
Analyzing the test results on building materials, such as concrete, timber, asphalt, or steel, for use in construction projects
Surveying operations to establish building locations and site layouts.
Working to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control.

A Civil Engineering program encompases the following broad areas of study

Engineering Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Structural Design , Geotechnical Engineering, Water Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Construction Management, Construction Technology, Land Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Engineering Drawing, Construction materials

We have a collection of civil engineering resources for students, teachers and professionals. Select from the following links to get more information about civil engineering

Excellent Calculators absolutely Free

More Solved Examples on different topics to get help for GATE preparation

Quiz on different areas of civil engineering

Video Lectures on different areas of civil engineering

Study material on different topics

Favourite Links

Video Lectures on different topics

Structural Analysis
Basic concepts with different methods of analysis

Structural Design
Requirements of Design Process

Reinforced Concrete
Principles of analysis and design

Indeterminate Structures
Methods of solving

Slope & Deflection of beam
Basic concepts and methods

Analysis of Moving Loads
Influence Line and its applications

Irrigation Engineering
Fundamentals and different methods

Land Surveying
Principles and equipment used

Construction Management
CPM, PERT and dispute resolution

Useful Links

Civil Engineering Quiz
Test your knowledge on different topics of Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering
Fundamentals for analysis and design

Hydraulic engineering
Fluid properties and equations

Research Papers
Research Papers, Thesis and Dissertation

Skyscrapers of the world
Containing Tall buildings worldwide

Journals and Magazines
Listing of reputed civil engineering journals and magazines

Forthcoming conferences
Listing of civil engineering conferences, seminar and workshops

Profile of Civil Engineers
Get to know about distinguished Civil Engineers

Professional Societies
Worldwide Civil Engineers Professional Societies

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