CE Calculators > Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Column with four rebar

Calculator for Strength of Reinforced Concrete Column with 4 rebar (FPS/US Customary Units)

Reinforced concrete column

This calculator is useful to determine the strength of axially loaded tied reinforced concrete rectangular column with four rebar. It also determines the spacing of ties for the column. This calculator uses FPS/US Customary Units.

Least column dimension should be 8 inch. This calculator determines the area of column, rebar ratio and the axial load capacity of the column as well as the spacing of tie bar spacing of #3 tie and #4 tie. The user of this calculator is advised to comply with ACI guidelines for short column, rebar spacing and cover etc. According to ACI 318-19 the rebar ratio should not be less than 0.01 Ag and not greater than 0.08 Ag, where Ag is the gross area of column.

. Common rebar sizes are #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #14, #18.

Please enter the values in the appropriate units mentioned in the form given below and start calculations.

Width of Column: B (in.):
Depth of Column: H (in.):
Comp. Strength of Conc f ′_c (ksi):
Yield stress of Rebar f_y (ksi):
Rebar size #:
Please make sure that all
the values are entered

Comment on Column dimension
Comment on Rebar ratio
Steel Area provided (sq in.)=
Gross Area of Column (sq in.)=
Rebar Ratio =
Allowable Design Load of Column (kips)=
Spacing of #3 Tie (in)=
Spacing of #4 Tie (in)=

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