Civil Engineering Calculators - A collection of easy-to-use Structural Engineering Calculation Tools (StruCal)
Structural Engineering Calculation Tools (StruCal)
The following set of online calculators have been approved by distinguished professors of reputed international universities. These are very useful for civil engineering
students, teachers and professionals for solving problems in many
courses of structural engineering e.g. statics, structural
mechanics, structural analysis, structural design etc. and
preparing for quiz and exams. You can copy and paste the results from these calculators in the document file. These
are absolutely free and anybody can easily use them to get the
You are also requested to recommend these calculators to
your friends and relatives.
Select the Calculator from the following List
Calculator for Moving Loads analysis to determine max. B.M. at a section
(4 Cases: 2 Loads, 3 Loads, 4 Loads, 5 Loads)
New Calculator for Absolute Maximum B.M. due to moving loads on a beam
(4 Cases: 2 Loads, 3 Loads, 4 Loads, 5 Loads)
Bending Moment & Shear Force Calculator for Simple supported beam
(14 loading cases: For
support reactions,
shear force and bending moment at any section as well as maximum bending moment and its location)
Bending Moment & Shear Force Calculator for Cantilever
(6 loading cases: For shear force and bending moment at any section)
Slope and Deflection Calculator for
Simple supported
(10 loading cases: For slope & deflection at
any point,
max. deflection and its location.)
Slope & Deflection Calculator for Cantilever
(6 loading cases: For
slope & deflection at any point, max. deflection and
its location.
Moment of Inertia Calculator for
plane sections
(10 different sections)
Fixed Beam Calculator
(9 loading cases: To find
Fixed end moments, bending moment, shear force,
support reactions)
Moment Distribution Calculator for
Continuous beam
(10 loading cases:
To find Distribution factors, FEM, and all the cycles of
balancing and carry-over moments in a tabular form)
Overhanging Beam Calculator
(2 loading cases: To find support
reactions, shear force and bending moment)
Calculator for Transverse Shear Stress in a beam
(6 different sections)
More calculators to be added soon.
You can also watch our Video Lectures on different areas of civil engineering
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You can also visit our following links of nicely explained solved examples on different topics
Solved Examples for Strength of Reinforced concrete beams
Solved Examples for indeterminate structures
Solved Examples for Slope and Deflection of structures
Solved Examples for member forces of Plane Truss
Solved Examples for Shear Force and Bending Moment
Stress Transformation Calculator
Calculate Principal Stress, Maximum shear stress and the their planes
Calculator for Moving Load Analysis
To determine Absolute Max. B.M. due to moving loads.
Bending Moment Calculator
Calculate bending moment & shear force for simply supported beam
Moment of Inertia Calculator
Calculate moment of inertia of plane sections e.g. channel, angle, tee etc.
Reinforced Concrete Calculator
Calculate the strength of Reinforced concrete beam
Moment Distribution Calculator
Solving indeterminate beams
Deflection & Slope Calculator
Calculate deflection and slope of simply supported beam for many load cases
Fixed Beam Calculator
Calculation tool for beanding moment and shear force for Fixed Beam for many load cases
BM & SF Calculator for Cantilever
Calculate SF & BM for Cantilever
Deflection & Slope Calculator for Cantilever
For many load cases of Cantilever
Overhanging beam calculator
For SF & BM of many load cases of overhanging beam
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