PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is a tool for planning and scheduling large and complex projects. PERT deals with the uncertainties in task duration times which are estimated as follows.
Optimistic time (To): the shortest possible time required to accomplish a task, with the assumption that everything proceeds as expected (considering all positive and favourable factors).
Pessimistic time (Tp): the longest possible time required to accomplish a task, with the assumption that everything goes wrong (considering all negative and obstructive factors).
Most likely time (TL): the best estimate of the time required to accomplish a task, with an assumption of normal occurrence.
Expected time (TE): the best estimate of the time required to complete a task, it is calculated as given below.
TE is used to develop the network diagram. It is helpful to find the following four quantities for each activity of the project.
1. EST = earliest start time
2. EFT = earliest finish time
3. LFT = latest finish time
4. LST = latest start time
Critical path is determined for the project by connecting the critical activities (having zero slack)
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