Thursday, March 27th, 2025

CE Calculators > Strength of doubly Reinforced Concrete beam (SI Units) > Rectangular section with one layer of tension rebar

Calculator for Strength of doubly Reinforced Concrete beam with one layer of tension rebar (SI/Metric Units)

Reinforced concrete beam

This calculator is useful for doubly reinforced rectangular concrete beam with one layer of tension re-bar. It uses SI/Metric system of units. You can also use it for singly reinforced section, just by entering compression rebar equal to zero.

Effective depth is measured from the top edge to the centroid of tension rebar. This calculator uses the concept of Whitney's stress block and measures the depth of stress block "a" from the top edge. The user of this calculator is advised to comply with ACI guidelines for beam thickness, rebar spacing and cover etc.

This calculator also determines the minimum area of tension rebar required for crack control and balanced steel area required for a balanced section.

This calculator assumes a strirrp of #3 and maximum rebar of #11. It also calculates minimum beam width required. This calculator also calculates the strain in tension steel and compression steel to ascertain yielding of steel. There should be atleast 2 rebars and atmost 6 rebars in a single layer.

Please enter the values in the appropriate units (SI/Metric) mentioned in the form given below and start calculations. Click here for beam with Two layers of tension rebar

Width of beam (mm):
Effective Depth of beam (mm):
Compr. Strength of Conc. f '_c (MPa):
Yield Stress of Tension Steel f_y (MPa):
No. of Rebar in Tension (nos.):
Dia of Rebar in Tension (mm):
Yield stress of Comp. steel f '_y (MPa):
No. of Rebar in Compr. (nos.):
Dia. of Rebar in Compr. (mm):
Cover of compr. steel (mm):
Please make sure that all
the values are entered

Min. Beam Width required (mm)=
Min. Area of Steel (sq mm)=
Balanced Area of Steel (sq mm)=
Area of Tension Steel (sq mm)=
Force of Tension steel:T (kN)=
Beta 1(Whitney's coefficient)=
'a' (stress block depth) (mm)=
'X' (neutral axis depth) (mm)=
Area of Compr. steel (sq mm)=
Strength of Compr. Steel: Cs (kN)=
Strength of Concrete: Cc (kN)=
Strength of Compr.:Cc+Cs (kN)=
Nominal Moment, Mn (kNm)=
Yield strain of steel =
Strain in compr. steel =
Strain in Tension steel =

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